Saturday, August 31, 2019

History Coursework – Arab Israeli Conflict

In 1948 the village of Deir Yassin was invaded by Jewish Irgun fighters. By noon on the same day they had killed everyone in the entire village – women and children included. There is no real proof about who is to blame for the Palestinian refugee problem. The reasons of the fight over Deir Yassin go back since the partition of Palestine. The partition meant that majority of the population, the Arabs, would get less land that the Jews. On the other hand, the Jews did not get Jerusalem, their homeland, included in their area. Both sides were unhappy about the land they were given, so they started to fight each other to get the land back. In December 1947 violence broke out between them and they grew more and more aggressive until massacre itself in April the next year. The Jews thought that if they committed the mass murder, they could gain back the land. Deir Yassin would have been an extremely important strategic point for whoever had control of it. This made the village more valuable to both the Arabs and Jews, which meant it was the centre for violence. The two sources are written about the same event but express the opinions of different people. Source A is a pamphlet produce by the PLO describing the Arab exodus form Palestine, and the Deir Yassin massacre. Source b is a statement made to the UN by Israel's foreign minister in 1961, expressing her view of the incident and the general exodus of Palestine. As source A is a pamphlet, it's obviously propaganda. It's heavily biased in the Palestinians point of view. It's advertising the fact that the Palestinians left Palestine because of their fear, and not on their own accord. It blames the whole refugee problem on Israel: â€Å"Thousands of Palestinians fled†¦ were prevented from returning to their home by Israel.† They had a fair argument because they were forced to leave in fear, as nobody would want to be slaughtered. As the source is directed towards the world to try and get international support, it is obviously exaggerated to make everything sound worse for the Arabs to generate sympathy for them: â€Å"In cold blood†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"Mutilating many of the bodies†. Before concluding, one must take into account the fact that the Palestinians do not tell both sides of the story. The source fails to mention the Infitada or â€Å"uprising†, which was the civil disobedience that grew in parts of Israel. It consisted of riots and protests led by Arabs. The Infitada happened before the source was written, so they have no excuse for not writing about it in the pamphlet. They did not want to include the other side f the story as this would lower the amount of sympathy gained by the Palestinians from the world. Also, the UN Resolution 242, which could have solved the refugee problems, and could also be to their advantage, wasn't mentioned. As well as this, the various terrorist acts committed before the source was written aren't included in the source, so anyone that reads this source will not think badly of the Palestinians. Although source B is written about the same event, it draws all the attention away from the massacre. As the source is a statement directed towards the UN, it only mentions the facts that Israel wants them to know. The main purpose was to convince the UN to take their side, and stop them from passing resolution 242 which was going to force Israel to withdraw from all their occupied territories. Mrs Meir brings all the attention away from the Jewish actions and tries to turn the argument around. She tries to convince the world that the massacre at Deir Yassin was committed by â€Å"Jewish Dissidents†, or crazy terrorists, not the Israeli government, and nothing to do with Golda Meir. The source cleverly accuses the Arab armies for the Arab refugees. It states the all that carried out aggression against Israel are responsible for the refugees. According to the source the Arab leaders who led the armies told all the Arabs living in Palestine to evacuate the country so the armies could get in, forcing them to live in refugee camps. As with the first PLO source, the writer of this purposely leaves out the earlier Israeli terrorist actions, such as the attacks on the King David hotel in Jerusalem. To conclude, the 2 sources are totally different. They differ in almost every way, and each source is extremely biased, the sources are not reliable at all, we can only use them to see individual opinions. Neither of the sources either have proof to support the opinions, for example source B tells us that the massacre was undertaken by people who had nothing to do with the government, but the Israelis have no evidence for this, so we have no reason to believe this. The sources give so diverse facts and opinions, it is impossible to draw conclusions about who is to blame for the refugee problem, we can only have our own opinion. GCSE COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT MODERN WORLD STUDY: THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT Question 2 Although sources A-F include a lot of information, it is hard to analyze the sources to make the conclusion of who is to blame for the Palestinian refugee problems. Many of the sources are biased and don't give both sides to the story. The 6 sources give us lots of information concerning the opinions of the different sides, but when it comes to concluding and giving a fair opinion, it's almost impossible. We need to analyze each source for their efficiency, and asses them to find out their purpose and reliability. Source A gives us the Palestinian view of the Arab exodus from Palestine. It says that the Jews invaded the village of Deir Yassin, and then killed the entire population. It says that the thousands of Palestinians who fled Palestine in terror were prevented from returning to their own â€Å"homeland† by Israel. The source blames Israel for the refugee problem. Reading this source alone, one would believe that the entire refugee problem would be the fault of the Israelis, but the source is heavily biased and given in the Palestinian point of view. The source fails to mention a few major details which could help you conclude, such as the intifada that happened when the Palestinians started to fight back against the Israelis, and the various s terrorist attacks they made to try and get their land back. The main cause for the violence was the fact that the British forces left. Source B is written in a similar style as source A, but it is heavily biased and in the view of the Israelis, It is written about the same event, but blames the Palestinian Arabs for the whole refugee event. It basically says that the Arabs actually caused the whole refugee problem, and that the Jewish had nothing to do with it. They say that the massacre at Deir Yassin was committed by terrorists, and was nothing to do with the Jewish government. It says that the other Arab countries told the Palestinians to leave the country so the Arab forces could get in, which would mean that the Jews aren't responsible at all for the problem. As with the first source, there is no proof, so we can't believe what is said. Using these 2 sources, there's no conclusion we can come to as they both contradict each other. Source C is an article by an Irish journalist. It contradicts source B, saying that there were no orders at all, by the Arabs, to leave Palestine. This proves source B wrong, and it has proof. It says that there are records in the British museum which say that there was not a single order to evacuate Palestine. It says there were even appeals to stay put in Palestine, which contradicts source B. This source offers evidence and is reliable, and is obviously non-biased. It's hard to tell who caused the refugee when you have two sources telling you that the other is wrong. Source D is an extract from some comments made by Palestinian refugees. They tell us what work the UN did to stop the refugee problem. They say that they have refused homes and other forms of compensation because all they wanted was to be allowed to return to their homeland. This means that the Palestinians are responsible for keeping all the problems, and it's their own fault that they're living in camps. They are purposely being awkward, even though the UN is supporting them. This is an informative factual statement which is slightly biased in the Palestinians favour. Source E is written by the Israeli ambassador to the UN. The source states that if Palestinians settled elsewhere, the whole problem would stop. It is basically a confirmation to source D. This source pretty much proves that the Arabs are causing the refugee problem. The last source, F, is 2 photos. They say that the Arab was born in Jerusalem, but can't go back to live there. The Jew was not born in Palestine, but she can return there any time she wants. The Arab and the Jew can still say exactly the same thing20 years later, as their situations are exactly the same, nothing has changed. The source is defiantly not biased as it has the perspective of a Jew and an Arab. It doesn't explain the cause of the problem, but it tells us that the problem has not been solved yet. To conclude, these sources do not let you come to a conclusion. Source A contradicts source B, and source C contradicts source B. Sources D and E tell us that the Arabs didn't want compensation and acted awkwardly to annoy the UN, which contradicts source A again. With all the sources saying that others are wrong, and the lack of evidence for sources A, B and E, we cannot believe any of them, or come to any sort of agreement about who really is to blame for the refugee problem. We need more evidence and facts to come to a firm conclusion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reward Systems Essay

Once of a manager’s most important tools is the ability to select rewards and time the rewards properly. Even if managers are not solely responsible for financial rewards, they can use a number of tools to increase the effectiveness of their organization. Reward systems can address several important managerial objectives as they relate to employee motivation. A solid reward system requires concerted attention in its development. The following sections provide a basis for a well-contructed reward system. Purposes of Reward Systems Reward systems serve several purposes in organizations. Effective reward systems help an organization be more competitive, retain key employees, and reduce turnover. Reward systems also can enhance employee motivation and reinforce the image of an organization among key stakeholders or future employees. People are the most important resource for organizational competitiveness, and keeping them on the job is a key task for any manager. Competition to attract and keep the best employees is intense. For people looking for a career opportunity, that’s great news, but as a manager of an organization needing to keep the best and brightest, it is a challenge. It may be even harder in the nonprofit and public sectors where flexibility in providing financial rewards may be more limited than in a commercial context. Retaining employees saves money on retraining costs, improves the consistency of services, and allows for relationships to develop between clients and the organization. In a ddition, proper rewards systems can reduce absences. Absences cause innumerable headaches for managers. Instructors who don’t show up, too few staff members at busy times, and the lack of a cleanup crew can all increase workplace stress. Absences not only affect the manager but also fellow employees who need to pick up the slack and clients who feel the brunt of too few employees on site. As suggested earlier, understanding who, what, and when to reward can improve employees’ performance. However, the improper use of rewards can have a debilitating effect on employee performance. Managers need to understand their employees’ perceptions of the importance and fairness of the reward and then clearly communicate what needs to be done to receive the reward. Effective use of rewards can encourage employees to gain the skills that are necessary to  help them and the organization grow. This can also increase their desire to continue being part of the organization. For example, an organization can pay and provide time off for employees who want to take advanced courses in an area that is valuable for the organization. Some organizations may even provide time off or support to help employees advance their own personal goals or skill sets. Ideally, an organization wants employees who not only show up to work but are excited about being there as well. This passion for work has been referred to as affective commitment. Although research is somewhat preliminary, there is s ome indication that affective commitment can be strengthened by rewards that enhance employee perceptions of being supported and having control of the work situation. Finally, reward systems can also help with recruiting efforts. Just as happy customers may be the best advertisement for a particular product, happy employees are often a great tool for recruiting new employees and making the organization a workplace of choice. Think about the kind of job you want. Often you will easily be able to identify an organization that stands above the others as a great place to work. As a consequence of this, the organization can attract the best and brightest, creating a virtuous circle whereby it becomes an even more attractive workplace. Hopefully you can see that establishing the right reward structure for an organization is critical to its success. The following sections delve into the details of various reward structures. Types of Rewards Understanding how each employee perceives and values different rewards is an essential part of management. Managers need to grasp an understanding of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards are external rewards tied to certain employee behaviors, skills, time, or roles in an organization. How employees perceive these rewards relevant to their performance and the rewards given to others will ultimately determine the effectiveness of the rewards. Managers also need to understand how much value each employee places on specific extrinsic rewards. For example, a well-paid but overworked employee may value additional vacation time or a reduced workload more than a few extra dollars. Money, praise, awards, and incentive prizes such as tickets to a concert or a game are all examples of extrinsic motivators. Whatever motivator the manager chooses, the employee must see  the reward as a motivator for it to be effective. For example, if the extrinsic reward is tickets to the opera, an employee who hates the opera likely would not be motivated by the tickets. On the other hand, if the employee is a football fan and the extrinsic reward is tickets to a major game, the motivator might be more effective. It is simpler to explain what intrinsic rewards are by discussing what they are not. Intrinsic rewards do not have an obvious external incentive; that is, people are not acting to get a tangible reward, be it time off or money. Instead, they act because it feels good or provides some form of internal satisfaction. Intrinsic rewards are often more highly valued and more effective over time, yet using them is a difficult managerial task. Intrinsic rewards derive from employees feeling good about the job they have done, the effort they have put forward, or the role they played in a team project. Intrinsic rewards in the workplace come from the job itself, so to provide intrinsic reinforcement, a manager should enrich the job. Job enrichment involves improving work p rocesses and environments so they are more satisfying for employees, such as eliminating dysfunctional elements or enlarging jobs (increasing the duties and responsibilities of a job). Developing an effective reward system can be a difficult task. The following sections provide some guidance on the basics of an effective reward system. These sections focus almost exclusively on extrinsic rewards, but intrinsic rewards should also be considered when developing each employee’s job. Monetary Versus Nonmonetary Rewards Monetary rewards are most commonly given in the form of pay increases, bonuses, or increases in benefits, such as pension or health care premiums. Such rewards can be divided into two categories: direct and indirect compensation (table 11.1). Both contribute to the financial betterment of an employee. Direct compensation is relatively straightforward and consists of increases in hourly pay, increases in hours (for nonsalaried employees), increases in salary, merit pay based on performance, seniority pay based on time with an organization, and bonuses based on the achievement of individual, group, or organizational objectives. Indirect monetary compensation includes increases to benefits or the addition  of benefits such as a dental plan. It can also include paid leave in the form of vacation days, days off for training, or longer time off such as a sabbatical, as well as paid leave for illness, caring for a child, or caring for an elderly parent. Additionally, some organizations may offer services as part of an indirect compensation package, such as on-site child care, an elder care program, an on-site cafeteria, a games room or gym, and confidential counseling services for employees and their families. Again, indirect compensation should be valuable to employees and ideally should offer choices from a range of services. Nonmonetary rewards cost the organization but do not directly improve the employee’s financial position (table 11.1). Supplying employees with the best tools possible to do their job is an example, such as providing a new high-end laptop or having an excellent training facility f or coaches at a university. A good office location, choice of furnishings, or special parking place can all be nonmonetary rewards. Employees may not know the full details of pay and other monetary benefits of coworkers, but nonmonetary rewards are often visible and can create perceptions of inequity in an organization. In some cases, this may be the intent of managers who want employees to strive to achieve the stereotypical corner office, but often it may also unintentionally encourage feelings of inequity. That inequity may have positive implications for an organization if employees strive to increase performance, or it can result in turnover and reduced performance. As with any reward, nonmonetary rewards need to be carefully thought out before being implemented. Performance-Based Versus Membership-Based Rewards One of the most difficult challenges for managers is to decide what to base rewards on. A common distinction is performance-based versus membership-based rewards. As the name implies, performance-based rewards are tied to the ability of an individual, team, group, or organization to meet some previously agreed-upon standard of performance. Performance rewards are based on an evaluation of contribution and awards are allocated based on that evaluation. Membership-based rewards are allocated solely for being part of a group within an organization. These rewards commonly include annual cost-of-living increases to a base salary or support for an equity policy. For example, if a park and recreation department was looking to  encourage staff to have master’s degrees or obtain certification, they might offer pay incentives for having either or both. Membership-based rewards are also often tied to length of time with an organization. For instance, after a certain length of service w ith an organization, employees may receive a certain percentage increase to their pay or be eligible for additional benefits. In a unionized environment, many of these rewards are spelled out in a labor agreement. To illustrate the difference between the two structures, let’s look at annual raises. A performance-based structure means that each employee’s performance is evaluated and raises are based on performance, with the highest performers getting the most money. A membership-based structure means that all employees receive the same raise regardless of performance. Membership structures can be demotivating to high performers because they get the same rewards despite working harder. Nontraditional Rewards As more and more managers understand the importance of individualizing reward systems, the use of nontraditional rewards will continue to grow. Time is often a key constraint, and for many people work is a major time commitment. Ways in which employees can individualize their work schedule are becoming increasingly important rewards. Four methods of individualization are reduced workweeks, staggered daily schedules, flextime, and working from home. Reduced Workweek A reduced workweek often sees employees working a 4-day week instead of 5 days. In return for that extra day, employees work longer on their 4 days in the office. For example, in a 40-hour workweek from Monday through Friday, employees would work 8-hour days, but the reduced workweek would see hours increase to 10 hours a day for 4 days. The benefits to the employees are longer blocks of time to take care of their personal lives, less frequent and often less busy commutes, and ultimately more useful time for themselves. The organization has no additional expenses and evidence suggests that absenteeism and time lost for personal reasons decreases. However, there are also downsides for both employees and the organization. Parents, for example, may find it difficult to find child care that is open late or early enough to accommodate the longer work schedule. The longer  work day may also be a constraint to people who are involved in weekly evening activities, be it coaching a team or attending an art class. Some jobs may also not lend themselves to longer days. A lifeguard or sport instructor may be considerably less effective in those last 2 hours, which can lead to decreased performance and in some cases safety risks. Also, the hours and timing of work may affect service to clients. Even if an organization maintains its regular schedule, clients expecting to reach a particular person during traditional business hours may find the new schedule frustrating. Finally, reduced workweeks seem to be most effective when employees themselves are involved in creating the schedule. Understand that employees participating in reduced workweeks need to be scheduled so that the entire organization is not gone on Friday! Staggered Daily Schedule An alternative to a reduced workweek may be a staggered daily schedule. Employees still work their designated weekly hours but can allocate those hours in different ways. For example, one employee may want to come in late and leave later to accommodate dropping off children. Someone else may prefer being in the office an hour earlier and leaving an hour earlier. These schedules may even be adapted weekly or monthly to accommodate changing employee needs. This idea meets employees’ individual needs but can often be difficult to manage. Again, a staggered daily schedule may not be appropriate in all settings and must consider not only employee needs but also organizational requirements and client desires. Flextime Flextime allows some employee freedom while still meeting client and organizational needs. Employees are expected to be in the office during a certain time frame, usually ranging from 4 to 6 hours, such as 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Flextime emphasizes productivity and allows the employee some leeway in that flexibility zone (before 9:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m.). For example, take Pat, an aquatics programmer. Pat has two school-aged children and requires some flexibility to drop them off and pick them up at school. Pat has worked with the employer and agreed that he will be at the pool between the hours of 9:30 and 3:30 but will complete the rest of his work elsewhere. This ensures that Pat’s coworkers and clients can reach him at predictable times while still allowing him the personal flexibility he  requires at this point in his life. This type of arrangement has been effective for many organizations and employees, although obviously it won’t work in all situations. Fl extime also allows a staff person more control over their hours. For example, a special events coordinator works 5 hours over the weekend. The following week, the coordinator comes in an hour later than usual each day. Working From Home As technology has advanced, the option of working at home for some or all of the workday is becoming increasingly possible. A high-speed Internet connection and a laptop computer connected to the workplace network provide many people with everything they need to do their job. Obviously this arrangement is more suited to some positions than others. A job developing programs for a municipal recreation department would be more suited to a work-at-home plan as opposed to the job of instructing the programs. Working for some or all of the workweek at home can offer fewer workplace distractions, allow employees time to concentrate on projects that are important to the organization, and make more effective use of the day by eliminating the need to commute as well as the usual time killers present in most offices. However, working from home is not for everyone. The distractions of the home require discipline, and for those who consistently work at home the blurred distinction between home an d office can be unsettling. Additionally, monitoring employees at home is nearly impossible. Evaluation needs to be performance based and work-at-home schemes do not work for organizations that want to monitor how employees spend their time. Allowing employees to work at home part of the time, however, may be an excellent compromise for both employees and the organization.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critically Discuss the Impact of Social Media and Wiki's on the Essay

Critically Discuss the Impact of Social Media and Wiki's on the Concept of 'Information Freedom' - Essay Example The concept of information freedom is then directly attributed to the new media and the ability to have information that is easily accessible and which is providing a stronger approach to those who are interested in the ideas which are now available to individuals. This is furthered with the opposition to information freedom, specifically which is coming from the policies and questions about access to information. The result is an understanding that information freedom is a part of the revolution from social media and wikis and is transforming ideas and available information on an international level. Developing Into New Media The development into new media began to emerge with the growth into the Internet and the way in which many looked at the information available. Before the use of technology, there was a set of significant information which was presented with Television, newspapers and the print which was available to individuals within society. The approach was one which is now defined as a closed system, specifically because a smaller amount of information was available to those which were interested in the media. The information was based on both timelines and the agenda which was focused on the economic and political stance of many which were interested in the information available. ... The emergence of new media has segmented into a variety of areas which provide information. Each of these has established a different understanding of the available information and the importance which it holds for individuals. The beginning of this came with the general information available, specifically which was noted through the ability to post and give information freely and through the use of different websites. This was combined with the ability to have more individuals which were posting information online, such as through the use of articles and other media networks. The information combined with other areas that grew from Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 invited user interaction and social media, such as through Facebook, reviews and other areas which offered free and dynamic information to be available. When this emerged, the information available also began to change with the philosophies and ideas which were given to the public. Fast paced changes in information and contributions f rom a variety of individuals were the main approach which was taken with the new media and which established a different approach to the concept of sending and receiving information (Dijk, 2006: 2). Social Media and Information Freedom The emergence of social media and wikis and the way in which information is retrieved and transferred is one which is now attributed to the concept of information freedom. The communication which is available is allowing individuals to receive in – depth information that continues to expand and offer different insight to individuals. Media, social and economic networks are all emerging with different dynamics that allow individuals to receive the necessary

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Importance of Military Bearing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Importance of Military Bearing - Essay Example Whether in the darkness of war trenches or in the comfort of their offices in the barracks, military personnel are expected to exhibit a high level of professionalism. Therefore, the capability of demonstrating military bearing is independent of the sites of operation: it is a demonstration of the military tactfulness, which is a direct opposite of the civilian sloppiness. In fact, many military officers today decided to join the Armed Forces because of the spruce appearance of the military personnel. (a) Self-dignity: The beauty of military bearing is in the ability to carry oneself with dignity. The military personnel are often encouraged to stand tall: they should maintain a realistic air of self-importance around themselves. The extent of self-dignity depends on the ranks of individual officers. To display this enviable self-dignity, the military personnel are taught to assume certain kinds of postures, like standing straight with the back upright like a ramrod and looking straight into the eyes of their interlocutors. Some officers have taken this self-importance farther than that: one could perceive self-dignity in their gaits as they walk from one place to another: The higher the rank the bigger the swagger or faster the sprightly gait. (b) Physical Appearance: One of the amazing things about the military is the immaculate appearance that military personnel command. You could see their uniforms properly ironed and neat. Even the way they put on these uniforms depict professionalism that seems to make people dizzy about whether soldiers truly spend hours to get their uniforms prepared. Although, it isn’t the uniform itself that matters, the way it is worn: military personnel have different ranks, and each rank has the befitting official uniform that stipulates the appropriate level of authority as reflected by the officers’ epaulettes, badges, caps or berets, and other military paraphernalia. A military officer is expected to be neat, spruce, brisk, and articulate in fashion.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Columbian Exchange had significant global consequences for Europe, Essay

The Columbian Exchange had significant global consequences for Europe, The Americas, as well as for Africa - Essay Example The most significant items that moved from Americas to the other parts of the world were potatoes and corn, which were economical to grow and nourishing. Potatoes supplied fundamental vitamins and overtime the crops became a crucial and steady part of diets across the planet. Nevertheless, traffic across the Atlantic never travelled in one direction since the Europeans introduced several livestock animals in Americas that included horses, sheep, pigs, cattle and sheep. Foods from Africa as well as the crops that came from Asia were moved to the west through the European ships. Some features of the exchange had disastrous impacts on Native Americans since disease was part of the exchange. For instance, diseases brought by Europeans like smallpox and measles resulted in death of many Native Americans (Bulliet 519; â€Å"The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade† 572-574). ... tive populations by diseases demanded labor that was met by forced movement of more than 12 million Africans in the period between the 16th and 19th century (McCook 13; Nunn and Nancy 164). There are many infectious diseases that resulted from Columbian exchange the main killers being malaria, smallpox, measles and chicken pox. Since Native Americans never experienced the diseases prior to the coming of the Europeans, the natives were immunologically defenseless. Before the invasion of the Europeans who initiated Columbian exchange, Native Americans lived in an environment relatively free of diseases since they never suffered from smallpox, measles, chickenpox or malaria. The exchange of food in the old and new worlds during Columbian exchange had considerable consequences in the world history since it increased the global provision of agricultural foods through the introduction of new species. Moreover, the invention of the Americas presented the old world with a vast amount of comp aratively uninhabited land that was suited for farming of certain crops in demand within the old world markets. Food crops such as coffee, soybeans, sugar, oranges and bananas were pioneered in the Americas and the Americas became main suppliers of those crops globally (Nunn and Nancy 163). Introduction of the various calorically rich staple crops had the benefit of growing the crops in climates that were inappropriate for cultivation of other staples. The American food crops have various demands on soil, cultivation and weather compared to former staple crops since they have different growing seasons. The American crops never compete with old world crops but rather complement them since the American crops enabled farmers to produce food in soils that were previously rated as useless

Monday, August 26, 2019

Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers Assignment

Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers - Assignment Example The researcher states that the social media is known as an important means of creating brand awareness and customer acquisition. However, the major question is how companies are supposed to convert users of various social media sites into actual customers. Furthermore, different brands face varying challenges concerning customer acquisition. This owing to the fact that different companies have varying market positions, objectives, target audiences and acquisition techniques. Companies are advised to come up with strategies that are appropriate for their brands. This essay critically assesses social media as a method to drive acquisitions of customers and marketing campaigns for two campaigns. Social media marketing is used to drive customer acquisitions through brand recognition. This is known as one of the most effective tools for using social media as a branding tool. This is because, with social media marketing, companies can decide the kind of information their customers are expo sed to and decide on how they want the company’s position to be. Companies can build brand name using the great content and consistent effort around the company values and benefits. Well- established companies including Wal-Mart, Starbucks, and The Weather Channel Shows Off have developed more attractive advertising initiatives on social media sites including YouTube, Instagram and Vine respectively to develop their brand names in the online market leading to an increase in the number of users. The companies have successfully used social media marketing to reach their customers and make sales. Other small companies are advised to follow suit as the social media has proven to be an effective tool to build a company’s brand name.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Law and Policy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Law and Policy - Case Study Example The organizational policies that deal with information security are drawn from a number of U.S. laws that include: the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, 1996, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) as well as the Computer Security Act of 1987 (Furlani, 2006). To ensure that it is compliant with all relevant information security laws and regulations, Digitol IT Solutions Ltd has employed information security professionals who are responsible for ensuring that everyone working there understands every single policy and government legislation. These policies act as a guideline on how technology should used and information handles within the company. Ensuring confidentiality is vital in any information system (Zevin, 2004). At Digitol IT Solutions Ltd there is a policy that states that it is wrong for an individual or a group of individuals to access a computer without authorized access. There are some levels of information which are only available to a few members of staff. For instance, financial information of customers is not available to everyone. Only the accountants who deal with payments are allowed to access this confidential information. The policy restricting access to certain computers is in line with the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, 1996, a federal regulation that makes it a criminal offence for unauthorized persons to gain access to a certain computer where they have been denied entry (Department of Justice, 2011). Another of the company’s information security policy restricts the number and kind of customers who can have full access of their website. Due to fear of hackers and malicious internet users who might want to cause harm or steal some of the company’s technology for ulterior motives, the company requires only trusted users to gain full access to their online services. This policy not only keeps the company’s website secure, it also ensures that sensitive information is not le aked out to unscrupulous individuals. This way the integrity of the company is kept intact and confidentiality is maintained, as is required in the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, 1996 and the Computer Security Act of 1987. These two laws aim at ensuring that an organization has the proper mechanisms to ensure that all information systems are safe (Department of Justice, 2011 and National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011). Digitol IT Solutions Ltd operates a rather liberal kind of business, and people have the freedom to be as creative and imaginative as they can. These two skills are pivotal to the success of the company. However, there are strict guidelines as presented in one of the terms of conduct policies, which direct what kind on information or content is allowed into the company’s computer system. An employee of the company was recently relieved of his duties and charged in court for failing to comply with the organization’s poli cies requiring him to upload obscene content on the website from his computer. The court found him guilty of flaunting the Communications Decency Act which stipulates that obscene and indecent material should not be allowed in cyberspace (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011). The company also reserves the right to block certain websites from being accessed by its staff. For instance, no one is allowed

End of term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

End of term - Essay Example Looking back, the most important learning outcome that I have achieved is my ability to present ideas clearly in an organized manner with a logical flow. I have understood how to integrate facts and figures into my arguments to validate them. Thus, the skills I developed during the course will help me in constructing arguments cohesively and presenting them before my audience. My discussions with peers during collaborated tasks have facilitated the opportunity to understand how perspectives on an issue can differ and helped me develop analytical skills while evaluating a particular situation. These have further enabled me to listen to others with a view to examine the different aspects of an issue to obtain insight on the entire scope of an issue rather than viewing it from a linear point of view. I feel that currently the authorities are framing Environmental Policies, without much consideration about the future legal complications that may arise out of them. Such policies, in my opinion, need to also consider future impacts of a certain policy and how these will affect stakeholders involved. By doing this, we can obviate the possibilities of complications at later stages and thus nullify the need for frequent amendments, which entail wastage of time and resources. The knowledge I gained from this course will help me argue my case with logic and coherence, in well structured and organized manner. At this point, I do not have any specific questions or concerns regarding what we have covered in the course. However, it will be my endeavor to keep improving my skills by taking cue from what I have learned so far in this

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ethical Vignette Paper 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Vignette Paper 1 - Coursework Example However, when a patient is involved in a court proceeding and the court requests for the information regarding the professional services that one received, such information would be disclosed without the consent of the patient or a court order. The disclosure limit would be subjected to a number of laws like the confidentiality, and privacy laws, conduct and ethical duties, but the legal obligations have the duty to warn following the care duty to others like in the case of negligence. The counselors should observe the professional and legal standards that are used in maintaining the privacy of the records, and the obligations of mandatory reporting. These mandatory obligations include reporting the neglect or abuse of children, or the adults that are vulnerable, the duty of protecting or warning the third party that is endangered by the patient, and the role of reporting the impairment or misconduct of a different professional. The disclosure of information occurs only with the required consent or sound ethical or legal justification. In the process of counseling, the clients are informed of the cases where their confidentiality needs to be breached. The confidentiality of a patient is breached when there is a foreseeable and serious harm to the patient or legal requirements. Some exceptional cases may come up providing the counselor some grounds to believe that some harm could happen to the client or some other persons. In this case, the patient will consent to the alterations in the agreement regarding the confidentiality, which should be sought unless there are some grounds to believe that the patient is not able or willing to assume the responsibility of her actions The disclosure of information needs to be constrained to the relevant information that is displayed to relevant persons for relevant reasons that

Friday, August 23, 2019

'Estimating Project Costs' Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

'Estimating Project Costs' - Assignment Example Cost is also the most important parameter of exclusive concern for higher level management, accountant, customer and other stakeholders of project and cost estimation is also performed during project planning phase. Appropriate cost estimation is very crucial for the successful development and delivery of project. It shall not only facilitate all resources allocated to the project but also an important factor for the client concern. That’s why this is Project Managers core responsibility to come up with realistic cost estimation for project considering all factors and dependencies in mind so that client can be provided with exact cost requirement of project and further allocations of resources can be made possible with cost requirement. Now the question arise how is it possible to define good initial estimates of cost for any nature of project. Cost is the factor that has link with every entity of project like for any construction project it might be aggregate of cost related to construction material, machineries used for construction, cost of human resources(engineers, architects, labors, technician, plumber etc) and other costs. Another example is of software development project, costs associated with such nature of project shall be of infrastructure used for development, cost of human resources(business analyst, software developers, design architect, testers etc),critical computer resources, memory requirements and any other costs even cost of pizza or refreshments for team members. Let’s discuss three estimation types that can be relied upon by Project Managers for defining initial estimates of cost for their project. At the initial level of project when requirements are not vivid it is difficult to come up with accurate initial estimates of cost and time. There is always possibility of uncertainty in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Homeworkunit 3 Sandwich Blitz Essay Example for Free

Homeworkunit 3 Sandwich Blitz Essay Sandwich Blitz, Inc. opened its doors for business October 15, 2004 and now consists of eight locations. It specializes in organically grown food ingredients, upscale breakfast and healthy beverages. The President and CEO, Dalman Smith and Vice President and CFO, Lei Lee are the sole owners. Dalmon and Lei are wishing to expand the business, but first they need to conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weakness, opportunities and possible threats involved in the expansion. Sandwich Blitz, Inc. has several strengths; they have shown a positive track record of ROI of 30% for 2011. They have their own training center and are able to provide specialized training to their managers as well as hourly employees. Additionally, they have been able to obtain small prime pieces of property at low costs to erect their small but suitable prefabricated buildings. Lastly, they have shown that they have been successful in expansion, expanding seven additional locations since 2004. An area of weakness that Dalmon and Lei need to review is the lack of time they currently have to devote to expanding their business. Dalmon is busy dealing with issues at the eight locations and Lei is swamped with financial matter. Dalmon and Lei need to consider hiring a district manager to help oversee the current eight locations. They are also vulnerable to other competitors copying their specialized ingredients due to lacking private label branding and need to take action to rectify that opportunity. Sandwich Blitz has several opportunities. They need to stick to the basics and provide a customer what they expect and that is quality, fresh and healthy products. Customer’s wants to know that they can expect the same product at each Sandwich Blitz location, so consistent food recipes and procedures are vital for all locations to follow. To help increase the customer diversity and base, Sandwich Blitz needs to provide new and innovative products. They also need to get with the times and start utilizing social media to help drive sales. The possibility of new franchise operations with similar products moving into the area is a large threat for Sandwich Blitz. The decrease in sales from two high generating locations can substantially affect revenues. Cannibalizing their current locations is a possible threat if they erect another building too close to an existing Sandwich Blitz. Damon and Lei need to analysis their targeted area to ensure it will not affect their current businesses. They need to review all the SWOT data  before they make any drastic decisions.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Stanley Black And Decker Ma Analysis Merger Finance Essay

Stanley Black And Decker Ma Analysis Merger Finance Essay This paper seeks to conduct an MA analysis of the merger between The Black Decker Corporation and Stanley Works. It also seeks to provide details of the announcement and various reactions it elicited in the corporate market. The paper conducts a thorough research on available data on the companies and uses it to conduct the MA analysis to show the possible projected reactions in the market due to the merger. It also looks at the actual current data after the merger and compares the two. The paper concludes that the shareholders of Black and Decker Corporations got a good deal from the acquisition of the company while also the shareholders of Stanley Works experienced increased market capitalization and has had increased share value and dividend earnings. The paper adds knowledge to the already existing body of knowledge. Introduction A merger is the joining up of two or more firms into a single entity. Most companies usually use this strategy in order to increase the competitiveness of the two companies by increasing market share and enjoying economies of scale. Others merge in order to enjoy increased financial synergistic benefits (McDonald, Coulthard and De Lange, 2006). As the world economy is recovering from the 2008 recession, there is increased demand for provision of goods and services. Most companies try to fulfill this demand through various strategies of growing the companies further. Some of those companies do this through mergers and acquisitions. In the past months a merger between The Black Decker Corporation and Stanley Works has graced most of the corporate circles. Black Decker was acquired by the Stanley Works for $ 4.5 billion (Walker, 2011) and the merger completed in March 12, 2010 (Stanley Black Decker Inc Form 10-K, 2011). This paper seeks to conduct an MA analysis of the two companies. It also seeks to provide details of the announcement and various reaction it elicited in the corporate market. Analysis Studies done by Shukla and Gekara (2010) showed that horizontal merges between two multinational firms have various effects on the value of the shareholders wealth. A few days before merging, the share prices were found to be performing very well but a few days after the merge the share prices were found to perform below market portfolio. The share holders would therefore face losses at certain periods after the merge, and depending on market conditions and decisions made by the management, the share prices would probably raise afterwards. Cigola and Modesti (2008) used a static model to conclude that most likely the share prices of companies would increase after mergers. The KPMG report of 2003 (McDonald, Coulthard and De Lange, 2006) also supported this view, by pointing out that, 34% of mergers increased stockholders value, while 32 % reduced. The remaining 34% caused no changes in shareholders value. In the case of Stanley works and The Black Decker Corporation, the announcement for the merger was made officially on November 2, 2009, was completed in March 12 2010 and became effective on December 3, 2010 (Stanley Black Decker Inc Form 10-K, 2011). The two companies merged to create an 8.4 billion dollars business leader in its industry. Over 350 million dollars in cost were the expected synergies during the merger with the Black and Decker shareholders set to get a fixed share ratio of 1.275 shares of Stanley Works for each of their share (Townson, 2009). The shareholders of Black Decker Corporation welcomed the merger and voted in its favor. In order to fully understand the impact of this merger to the shareholders of Stanley Works and The Black Decker Corporation, a financial analysis of the position of the two companies needs to be done. MA analysis Before the merger took place the viability of the merge would have been evaluated using MA analysis. From the data in the MA analysis, it can be clearly deducted that: 1. The value shareholder value at risk (SVAR) and value at risk will be as shown below; The value of shareholders value at risk (SVAR) and value at risk of the merger between the two companies is very important in analyzing the viability of the merger and acquisition. The Black and Decker shareholders received 1,275 shares of Stanley works share for each share they owned at Black and Decker Corporation. This implied that as at October 30, 2009, they got get a premium of 22.1 % (Townson, 2009). From the MA analysis sheet, the percentage of post merger owned by Black and Decker shareholders assuming price at closing date reflects no synergies is 27.7% while that of Stanley Works would be 72.3%. The post deal return to Black and Deckers shareholders assuming price at closing date reflects no synergies was be 0.9% while that of Stanley Works shareholders assuming price at closing date reflects no synergies was be 0.3%. Black Deckers Premium At Risk was 27.7%, while Stanley Works hypothetical shareholder value at risk (SVAR) Assuming an all cash deal was 0.5 %. Stanley Wor ks Actual Shareholder Value At Risk (SVAR) was -0.3% %.( Expectations investing, 2001). 2. The anticipated market reaction will be as shown below: The present values of capitalized annual synergies starting the following year 2011 are 853.7 million and the premium offered for Black and Decker would have been 55.9 million. The Percentage projected of post merger company owned by Black and Decker shareholders was 27.7% while that for Stanley Works shareholders would have been 72.3%. The Post deal return to Black and Deckers shareholders would have been 4.4% while that for Stanley Works shareholders would have been 5.7% (Expectations investing, 2001). 3. Post market initial reactions will be as follows; The percentage post merger company owned by Black and Decker shareholders would have been 27.7% while that of Stanley Works would have been 72.3%. Black and Deckers Post announcement premium At Risk would have been -447.6% while Stanleys Hypothetical post announcement shareholder At risk (SVAR) assuming all cash in would have been 7.2%. Stanley Works Actual Post announcement Shareholder Value At Risk would have been 5.2% (Expectations investing, 2001). Actual data after the Merger Stanley Black and Deckers market capitalization has reached 12.44 billion dollars with its shares trading at $ 74.95. After the merger the Stanley shareholders retained 50.5% of the total share of the combined company. The value of the merger was estimated at $ 4.657 billion with the Merged companies experiencing 425 million dollars in cost synergies a 75 million dollars increment from the originally projected. The number of securities issued upon stock awards stand at 15,369,387. Revenue synergies after the merger have also been put at between 300 million and 400 million dollars by 2013. since the merger the company has been able to enjoy increased goodwill and net earnings of 198.2 million dollars in the year 2010 (Stanley Black Decker Inc Form 10-K, 2011) Conclusion From the above pre merger analysis and post merger data, it can be clearly noted that the shareholders of Black and Decker Corporations got a good deal from the acquisition of the company. Where as the analysis projected that they would only own 27.7 % of the combined stock in the company, the owned 49.5 % from the deal. The deal has also been beneficial to the Stanley Works shareholders who have experienced increased market capitalization and has had increased share value and dividend earnings.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Compact Description And Critical Analysis Education Essay

A Compact Description And Critical Analysis Education Essay The first part of the assignment will accommodate description of management and the importance of leadership within management. According to Daly et al, (2009), stated a manager is an individual who is responsible for his/her workforce; a manager is someone who is in charge of all the decision making of a workforce; a manager is a person that everyone goes to with their problems, and a person that passes on information that is given by higher authority to the workforce. Rodd (2004), define management as a reasonable working pattern of support, inspiration and reasoning, including systems and administrations. Whereas, Mondy (1992) constitute that the role of management involves; working with human, financial, and physical resources in order to achieve organisational objectives. Mondy (1992) also stated that planning, organising, leading and controlling were the four general functions of managements; and that all of these four functions were equally important, as the coordination of these provision enables management to operate as a whole. In addition an effective management skills, it is also crucial for a manager to have effective leadership skills; Burns (2004) assert that management skills can be defined as ones ability to administer a group of individuals in a way that will approve them to work together timidly and in a harmonised way, as this will result in the attainment of setting goals and aspirations. Mullins (2005) build that effective leadership is one of the many fundamental influences in the development of quality service for children; both effective leadership and management should be amalgamate together in bringing affirmation service for young children. Quote states:- by Mullins (2003, P291); Leadership style is the way in which the functions of leadership are carried out, the way in which the manager typically behaves towards members of the group. A manager that used a democratic type of management style within their setting; they are established that they have open door policy within the setting which approve their staffs to communicate with the manager whenever they required; it can a articulate that the manager leads their staff into feeling a part of a team by including them in all of the decision making process of the setting through staff meetings. Respecting Each Other; ensuring staff act as good role models; Use of positive language; Establish good relationships between practitioners and parents; updated with Policies and procedures; Open door policy; Encourage turn taking and sharing; Supervision and staff appraisals. The manager can demonstrate by having an open door policy and involving the staff in all the decision making of the setting draws and influenced the staffs to work harder; this could be associated, quote suggests, Sadek (1996)s argument which stated that staff encouragement is a considerable task for managers as it is foremost for the action of the crew. The next part of the assignment will contribute enlightenment in relation to the role and responsibilities of the early years manager. A manager who is established will believe one of their main duties at the setting ensuring that the children are safeguarded and happy; this is a positive attitude for an early years manager to have as according to a research carried out, quote stated, by Lunn (1998), most of the nursery managers that were found to be successful leaders in the research were managers who were involved in the children before their speciality. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of all individuals in the education system to make sure their surrounding is as safe as possible for their pupils (Directgov 2012). Furthermore, it is the manager position to ensure they have health and safety rules and regulations; and implement within the setting by all staffs by regularly involving and motivating all staffs in all matters concerning health and safety issues through training. Free choice to inform own learning;- Support and plan for childrens interests; Opportunity for children to explore and the Key person enables the child to feel safe and secure; Provide a safe and secure environment; Regular observations are carried out and children are provided with indoor and outdoor activities, Quote states:-, Watson (1998) that the financial needs of provisions should be taken vigorously and planned precisely as the maintenance provided to the children. A manager needs to handle the financial matters of the setting; budget is the key factors that can be threat to the quality of service being provided to the children. Therefore the manager must ensure that the nurserys budget is being managed correctly as miscalculations of the budget can have a negative impact on the function of the setting as it could result in the nursery not being able to meet some of its goals and objectives. Furthermore, According to Megginson (1992), employees doing what is required from them establishes the effectiveness of the managers management skills. This indicates that the manager must take fully responsibility to ensure that all of the staffs doing what were expected of them; a good way is by regularly monitoring the staffs. Preferably, have fitted cameras in every room of the setting and that the images from all of the cameras reflected back to the camera located in the managers office. This strategy can be positive effects on the function of the setting as the manager have faith for the staffs carried out their duties effectively and accordingly to the fact that they knew they were under continual surveillance. A excellent principle for a manager to adhere is to keep a constant revise of the policies and procedures of their settings; these will enables their employees to understand their roles and responsibilities; policies and procedures also grant management to inspire acts without constant management interferences. (Mondy1992). Besides Mullins (2005), suggests that a critical part of the process of management comprehends given a competent attention to the adequate use of resources, in human resources; human resources have an important role to play in the success of an organisation. In dispute by, Curtis and OHagen (2003) that it is essential for a manager to ensure that staffs are trained and are appropriately qualified to a standard that will enable them to provide the establishment with the best possible services. The manager must take a full responsibility to employ individuals that are appropriately qualified to work with children; He/she must be articulate that when employing staffs; they looked for two considerable aspects: the first is the person likes children and had some experience working with children; and secondly they have the appropriate qualifications. To addition, The Childrens Act 1989 states that it is legally the responsibility of professionals to work in partnership with parents (Tassoni 2000). The manager must also ensure and have a good on-going relationship between the parents of the children attending the setting and the staff. As a factor this can be devoted to the quality of service being provided to the children as according to the Livestrong article (2010), both teachers and parents have passion for the same thing which is the best learning experience and allows a good accessible learning for the children; effective communication between the professionals and parents can help to attain this as important information such as; childrens likes and dislikes can be shared through the communication; and this will be beneficial for the function of the setting as the information will help the staffs gain knowledge of how to handle each individual child. The role and responsibilities of a manager are not only affected by factors within the workforce; external factors such as societys attitude, beliefs and values and government policies cam also have an impact on the role and responsibilities of a manager. Quote states: according to Turner (2003); societys attitude, beliefs and valued has gradually changed throughout the period; issues concerning young children and families have been high on public agendas. The diminish role in society has provided women with better liberty; and this is resulted in more mothers going into education and back to work. This involves a positive impact because the role and responsibilities of an early years manager will have more pupils attending nurseries balancing great more responsibilities for early years managers due to increase of children under their care. The manager also has responsibility to ensure that equal opportunity practices are being carried out within the setting. This can be of various reasons, as an example a provision can be located in a multicultural area and the children attending the nursery are from a variety of backgrounds. The EYFSs Statutory Framework (2010) demonstrates that early years practitioners has fully responsibility to promote positive attitudes to diversity and difference and that practitioners also have a duty to focus on each individual childs learning, development and needs. The manager will be required to provide equal opportunity for all children regardless of their race, culture, religion, language or ability and that the centre also positively encouraged all the children to participate in all activities. A well established manager can also strive to help all children feel inclusive and that the provision must be able to promoting positive recognition, understanding, knowledge and celebration of di fferent culture celebrations. Equal opportunities; Cultural and ethnic diversity; Parents are involved as partners; Open door policy for parents to have they say; Support from other professionals (agency) when necessary; All children and their families are included and valued from different backgrounds. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2011), OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education) is an official government body ensures the responsibility is to inspect schools in England and to produce inspection reports which are meant to be used to improve standards of achievement and quality in education. The manager needs to be knowledge that all of OFSTEDs health and safety policies and procedures are implemented in the provision; otherwise as failure of the implementation of these policies and procedures could result in the closure of the provision. In addition the OFSTEDs safeguarding policies are maintained and carried out by the member of the staffs within the setting by constantly emphasising the importance of the rules and regulations of OFSTEDs safeguarding policies; this can be maintained through staff meetings; regularly endure watching the staff within the setting; raising any awareness of any health and safety issues that comes across with all staffs. Nonetheless, OFSTEDs policy in relation to safeguarding in early years education; there are some concerns regarding the extent in which childrens safety are met in early years settings; quote states:- Pugh (2003) argued that there are still concerns over the neglect of childrens health and welfare at the expense of their education. Although Pughs argument suggests that there are early years settings that might believe that childrens education is more important than childrens health and safety as overall. A good manager who has a good established for the setting can have a good impact through influence of their provision and their role as manager is from learning and developments requirements of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). Through daily safety checklists carried out for Health and safety policy; Regular fire drills are implemented; Safeguarding children policy should be updated on regular basis; Designated member of staff responsible for child protection issues or immediate manager; Safeguarding children training for staff must be provided; Behaviour policy; Adult : child ratio observed; Accident / incident forms Rules displayed and adhered in the setting. In accordance to the Department for Education (2012), it is stated that the EYFS is a central part of the governments 10 years child care strategy; the EYFS is in charge of placing the curriculum guidance for the foundation stage. The Statutory Framework for the EYFS sets standards for the learning, developments and care for children from birth to five; nursery managers, school governors and nursery directors; are all legally responsible for ensuring that the provisions of their settings meets the learning and developments requirements of the EYFS, that their provisions meets the regulations of the EYFS, and that notes of new and additional requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework are taken down and implemented within their settings. Moreover, according to the Statutory Framework for the EYFS (2011); it is interpreted there are seven areas of learning and developments that are required to shape educational programmed in early years setting, as follows: personal, social and emotional developments; physical developments; and communication and language; these three areas are described as maturity areas in the Framework as they are believed to be the areas that are particularly important for extinguish childrens curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and also for building childrens capacity to learn and thrive. The Framework also exhibit that early years education providers must also support children in the following four specific areas: literacy; mathematics; understanding the world; and expressive arts and design. The media concept on the BBC News (2000), the National Childcare Strategy was introduced in the UK in 1998; the aim of the Strategy was to create more childcare places and helping parents to go back to work by giving them more support. Beaver (2001) established that the aim of the National Childcare Strategy was to ensure good quality, accessible and affordable childcare for children in the UK. The introduction of the National Childcare Strategy has a negative bond impact on the finances of day private settings can have a negative effect on the role of an early years manager in the following case; suppose if there can made deductions to be made from the cost of the private settings as a result of less children attending day care centres; it would be the managers role and responsibility to figure out a way of cutting down the costs of the provision in a way that will not affect the quality of service being provided to the children. Quote taken : Adirondack (1998) cited in Curtis and OHagen (2003) stated no good can be good at every aspects of management; an early years setting manager has a variety of duties to carry out; therefore it would be impossible for a manager to be perfect at every activity their may conduct out. A good provision manager will express and show a good use of their own knowledge and management skills, which can be a good advantage enabling her to be the accomplished manager, however, other managers will experience difficulty at times. To conclude, it can be formed in many of the convincing and vital elements of management issues that has been identified in the essay indicating that there are many factors that needs to be considered when managing a provision. In an early years setting, the primary role of the manager is to be responsible for the organisation of the staff; and the resources that will be used to translate the settings vision to providing a high quality service to the children that will be attending the setting. Parent questionnaire are in place; Suggestion box; Settling in policies and procedures is should been implemented and staff are made fully aware; providing advice and support when necessary, an good example will be a Drop in session and finally meeting the cultural requirements. A well established good manager in early settings needs to be multitasking as this factor is very important. He/she also requires an excellent knowledge of different policy on their provision should be updated regularly. Staff should be trained at all times as required. A manager should be able to solve problem and is able to be a good decision maker and build a strong team. Finally, the managers need to be aware of most government policy; Every Child Matters; safeguarding; Child Protection rules and regulations. Quote suggests: Educating a child takes cooperation and involvement from educators, parents, families, and the community. Everyone has heard the saying It takes a village to raise a child. Research has shown the greater the family and community involvement in schools, the greater the students achievement (Niemiec, R., Sikorski, M., Walberg, 1999). Words: 2693

Monday, August 19, 2019

Treatment for Tuberculosis :: Medical Biology Disease TB

Treatment for Tuberculosis Tuberculosis has many forms that can invade the body. Many cures involve drugs and multiple combinations of the drugs. Drugs are used in combinations because tuberculosis can travel to different parts of the body. One of the causes for the spread of tuberculosis around the world is the emergence drug- resistance strain. Tuberculosis can become resistant to most, if not all, of the drugs that are used to treat tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a bacteria infection that affects many people over the world. Treatment for the disease helps people but it is limited. Vaccination is sought but, like treatment, is limited. Because of these limitations Tuberculosis spreads and kills easily. Tuberculosis can be cured by constant drug therapy. One of the first steps to treating Tuberculosis is identifying which form has developed in the body. The two forms that could progress in the body are latent Tuberculosis infection and active Tuberculosis infection (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Latent Tuberculosis is the dormant form of the bacteria, meaning that it is inactive and doesn?t cause an infectious reaction in the body. Even if the latent form enters the body, treatment should be sought (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Latent Tuberculosis can become active Tuberculosis easily though, especially if the immune system is compromised by another infection, like HIV (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Active Tuberculosis infects the body immediately. Symptoms show in the body meaning the bacteria is effecting the cells of the body. Identifying the form is important because treatment is dependent upon it. Testing for TB involves a skin test, usually within seven work-days of conta ct with the bacteria. Without knowing what is in the body, the drugs won?t be as effective and might even cause drug-resistance. After diagnosing which form is in the body, treatment and therapy can begin. After the test, an infected person should inform the health-care provider with information about other people that might be infected. This will help control the spread of Tuberculosis (CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports). Treatment for the infected person means continual drug therapy. Treatment for active Tuberculosis and latent Tuberculosis is usually similar because both forms of the bacteria invade multiple environments of the body. Tuberculosis originates in the lungs, because it enters through air, and sometimes spreads to other organs, called extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (World Health Organization19).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Lion and the Mouse who Returned a Kindness :: Aesop, Aesops Fables

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aesop among many other prominant authors wrote tales of animals taking on human characteristics, but none is so prevelant as the reputation of the mighty lion. Known as the king of animals, the lion appears as an object of strength and nobility in countless aspects of life including history, literature, art, astronomy, movies, and dance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Who is this amazing creature? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the lion (Panthera Leo) is a flesh-eating animal that live cheifly in sandy plains and rocky places where there are thorn thickets and tall grass. Male lions can reach a length of 2.50m (8ft), and a weight of 250kg (550lb). They can live for 15 years, but in captivity some have reached an age of up to 30 years. They mainly eat larger herbivores such as buffalo, zebra, and in cultivated areas an occasionally human. There strength is amazing, and both parents take great care in tending to their young, often referred to as cubs (168-69).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Much is to be said about the mannerisms and personalities of lions, and no one has summed this up as well as Aesop. There are four fables listed in our textbook dealing with the qualities humans believe to be true about lions. These assumptions may have begun with Aesop’s fables, but really knows.   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first fable, The Lioness and the Vixen, the saucy personality of the lioness is shown. When denounced for the birth of only one cub, the lioness quickly snaps back aat the vixen, â€Å"Only one, she said, but a lion†(Aesop 607). This answers the question of quality over quanity; and for most the lion is considered the best in quality the â€Å"cream of the crop† as some would say. Aesop iterprets here that the lion knows he is the best, and doesn’t mind sharing it with the rest of the animal kingdom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aesop again illustrates the lion as being king in The Lion, The Wolf, , and The Fox. Aesop clearly writes â€Å"all the animals came to pay respect to their king,† (Aesop 607). Even in the title of the fable Aesop lists the lion first before the wolf and fox. This could just be by mishap, or as seen in other fables the animals could be listed in order of appearance in the text. Regardless of the title Aesop gives the lion dominating powers of the other animals. He writes â€Å"the lion demanded to know at once what cure he had found,†(Aesop 608).

Cambodia And United Nations :: essays research papers

Cambodia is a small country located in Southeast Asia bordering the Gulf of Thailand. Cambodia lies between Thailand and Vietnam. It occupies a total area of 181,040 square kilometers, and out of all of this, only 176,520 square kilometers are on land. Cambodia has a 2,572-kilometer long land boundary and 443 kilometer coastline.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cambodia has a tropical climate like most countries in Southeast Asia. In this tropical climate, there is a rainy, monsoon season from May to October. The dry season lasts from December to March. The land terrain in Cambodia is mostly made up of low lands, flat plains, with mountains in the Southwest and north. There is a wide amount of natural resources in Cambodia. The natural resources include, timber, gemstones, manganese, phosphates, and hydropower potential.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main kind of agriculture in Cambodia is subsistence farming. This is where the food you grow on your farm is for your own good. The opposite of subsistence farming is commercial farming where big industries farm for commercial profit. The Mekong river floods the fields in the wet season, making the land perfect for growing rice, which is their main cash crop. Even though they grow a lot of rice, their main export is rubber, and their man import is machinery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cambodia has a small population compared to the many states of the United States of America. As of July 1993, Cambodia had a total population of 9,898,900. The nationality, or the names of the people who live in Cambodia are Cambodian(s). The primary ethnic group that makes up 90% of the total population is Khmer. The major religion in Cambodia is Theravada Buddhism. About 95% of the people in Cambodia follow this religion. The official language is Khmer, and French is the second most common language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The French colonized Cambodia for 83 years. Cambodia became independent in November 1953. This was because Norodom Sihanuk led a peaceful independence movement against the French. Norodom Sihanuk was the current Prince of Cambodia at that time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soon after this, a communist group called the Khmer Rouge, which was lead by Pol Pot and backed up by the Chinese stepped in. They were in charge of Cambodia for eight years. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge murder millions of innocent Cambodians. Their rule ended when the Vietnamese took control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Royal Government of Cambodia administers the government in Cambodia. There are currently two Prime Ministers, who are Hun Sen, and Ran Narit.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Case Study Business Ethics

Comment on Piech’s neglect in not telling the board about Porsche buying Volkswagen shares. What is the significance of this event? During a Volkswagen supervisory meeting on April 19,2006, some of the board members asked for the reason on the dramatically changes on the price of Volkswagen shares. Unfortunately, there was no answer on this matter. Piech was the one who know about Porsche buying Volkswagen shares and purposely not informed to the board members of Volkswagen. The price of shares increased was due to Porsche keep buying the Volkswagen shares.Piech stated that he kept quiet on the increasing of the price of Volkswagen shares because he did not want the price of Volkswagen shares to increase much more higher. It is unethical behavior that done by Piech. Piech should inform the board members of Volkswagen as they can find a strategy to prevent the share price grows up abnormally. The board members have the right to be well informed on the reason of changes on the s hares price. The significance of this event is the drastically increase in the price of Volkswagen shares.Porsche tends to buy the Volkswagen shares as much as possible in order to increase the price of Volkswagen shares. Porsche would like to increase the price of Volkswagen shares in order to direct the Volkswagen shareholders that Porsche want to takeover Volkswagen. It then makes sense to the public that Porsche want the share of Volkswagen. From here, Porsche shorted huge amounts of Volkswagen shares by borrowing from the existing owners. Then, Porsche started to sell it to earn the money and buy back the shares when the price dropped.It results Porsche earned a large amount of profit by short selling the shares. As Porsche acquired a large amount of Volkswagen shares, Porsche became the Volkswagen’s largest shareholder. The Economist. (2008). How Porsche fleeced hedge funds and roiled the world’s financial markets. Retrieved from http://www. economist. com/node/1 2523898. Bloomberg. (2012). Piech Crowns 20-Year VW Turnaround With Porsche Takeover. Retrieved from http://www. bloomberg. com/news/2012-07-05/piech-crowns-20-year-vw-turnaround-with-porsche-takeover-cars. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Socio-Economic Model for Sustainable Fashion

Abstract At times when sustainability seems to be the mantra for not only corporations but also the lay man, sustainable fashion is a much less understood term as â€Å"sustainability† alongside â€Å"fashion† are two seemingly contradictory concepts as fashion is all about change and sustainability is all about preservation. Sustainable fashion, in its purest form generates new ideas on how to produce fashion with a sense of ethics, organic or renewable resources, and socially responsible manufacturing techniques. Simply put, the term â€Å"eco-fashion† refers to stylized clothing that uses environmentally sensitive fabrics and responsible production techniques. Our first motive is to spread awareness amongst the mass about sustainable fashion and the affects its absence has on our environment. The fashion industry is based on a model of continual economic growth fuelled by ever-increasing consumption of resources. What needs to be retained is – continual economic growth and what needs to be changed is – ever-increasing resource consumption. So what I propose here is an idea which can possibly be a giant step towards sustainable fashion. The concept central to this idea is – reusability. So what is to be done is that there is a central organization called SFO, Sustainable Fashion Organization. The SFO buys all the to-be-thrown or to-be-wasted clothes on a massive scale. Then the clothes are analysed and classified on the basis of their reusable ratio. The clothes which are good enough have a high reusable ratio. The best breeds are recycled and reused to create new clothes that are eco-friendly, economic and sustainable. While the not so good breeds are used in other areas like manufacturing doormats and bags. In this paper, we try to present a model of business, that will be in optimal interest to industry, consumers, earth and ecosystem. A Socio-Economic Model for Sustainable fashion Sustainable fashion is creating a sustainable product with creativity and great innovation. Fashion is subject to creativity but sustainability is preserving, thus with fast moving competitive world it is hard to find the space for the word sustainable. There is lot of research taking place to find the most sustainable fiber but we all know that times flies and research continues. Many designers have begun experimenting with bamboo fibre, which absorbs greenhouse gases during its life cycle and grows quickly and in plenty without pesticides. Although it also causes environmental harm in production due to the chemicals used to create a soft viscose from hard bamboo. Hemp is one of the best choices for eco fabrics due to its ease of growth, though it is illegal to grow in some countries. Other alternative is synthetic fibers while critics still point to the chemicals used in making synthetic materials, this method significantly reduces water consumption and pollution, while cotton (organic or not) uses a tremendous amount of water during the growth and dyeing phases. Future holds a great deal of importance in our world but the present is equally responsible for it. All research and development is for future something which is uncertain, which is yet to be discovered. My business model is for present and preserving future. Current Scenario Gorman clothing, Stewart +Brown, Avita, Delano Collection, Look Organics etc are some of international brand which are into organic eco fashion but cost of production is still high due to the small market. Fashion industry is doing a lot to preserve the future but return on investment is low, the market share is small as the products are not readily available and they are expensive. People are not aware of fashion sustainability and they do not know which fibers life span is high with less carbon footprint. They are not familiar with the problems associated with fashion products as for most of the people cotton is sustainable and eco friendly; they are not educated on things like which garment is harmful, how to dispose the garment etc. What is the difference between the jute fibers or organic cotton is not known SFO We need to understand how SFO generate value for the consumers and how they generate revenue for their profitable running. Value Generations Maintaining sustainable development – the main reason and production of the sustainable fashion is eco friendly environment. Inculcating new habits – making the consumer understand the essence of sustainability and building loyal brand. Awareness – perception of fast fashion is quite wrong as it is actually not about throw away clothing but a management system that can improve the efficiency. Business Model SFO is an organization which is formed to help the other existing brand and organization working on sustainable fashion by reusing the fashion products and re design them for further usage. SFO is using the zero wastage method of sustainability and helps out other fashion organization in achieving zero waste. The method will be a continuous method of sustainability. The organizations will purchases the used garment or clothes and then check the life span of the garment. After evaluating the durability of the garment it is either reused to form a new garment or send to NGO’s. SFO will be having a tie with NGO’s and will be seeking cooperation from their end as well. Wearable will be given to NGO’s and those garments will be further utilized to the extent that they cannot be termed as wearable and then the NGO’s return the garment to SFO. Then the garment is again evaluated and divided in different slots according to their life span and fabric type. Garment is further cleaned and disinfected and made presentable in a form of raw material and once the procedure is completed it supply’s the garment to different brands. The brand then reuses recycle or redesign the garment and manufacture a new garment. Business functioning Step 1 – Understanding the working of different organization and brand and pursuing them to be a part of sustainable fashion. Taking help from NGO’s and seeking cooperation from their end. Step 2 – Purchasing the used garment from the public after evaluating the depression of the product. Step 3 – The garment is further studied and after understanding the durability it is supplied to NGO’s Step 4 – NGO’s will return the garment after using them. Step 5 – Then the used garment is cleaned and converted into raw material and supplied to different brands. Step 6 – These brands then manufacture a new garment by using the second hand raw material Revenue Generation Sustainable fashion can be profitable because shoppers today are looking for something more meaningful. Consumers are accepting the concept of reuse and recycle in a creative way. SFO will be affiliated with other organization or brand. So that SFO can afford and buy the used products from the public and keeps a certain margin with them. It is basically formed for readily available sustainable fashion therefore the garment wouldn’t be purchased or sold with high margin. The motto of SFO is employment and sustainable fashion with profitability. Risk Hesitancy level might be high as the products are used and then reproduced with new designs – people normally don’t like wearing second hand garment considering the health problem associated with it. Consumer might prefer to buy expensive organic product rather than going for low product sustainable fashion – with high economic growth rate people would like to spend more rather than going for redesigned products. Chaos among the brands associated with SFO – consumer might not have a clear picture of the product quality as every organization has its own quality measures. Opportunity Willingness to buy sustainable fashion – majority of people are fashion oriented and sustainable fashion is in demand. Consciously worried toward the environment – with rapid educations and consumer awareness people understand the importance of eco friendly environment and they are willing to be a part of it. Easy collaboration with other brands practicing sustainable fashion – existing brand association is not difficult with the help of their sustainable new ideas and concept of reuse , recycle and redesign can be inculcated. Low amount of investment – SFO doesn’t need huge investment as it will be associated with brand and organization. The purchase of the second hand garment can be done with the help of these brands. Employment – lot of people are working on sustainable fashion these people can be employed and given a platform to exhibit their ideas and concept. Sustainable institutes – the sustainable fashion academy, Danish fashion institute, refashion designers can be of great help. These institute and designers can work with SFO and help in achieving the goal of eco friendly environment. Recommendation Adequate awareness among the consumer is required regarding the SFO and its redesigned products. Any preconceived notion should be eliminated and customer helpline should be there to help out them with their questions. Not compromising on product quality should be maintained so that the consumer believes in the brand and its products. Hygiene should be given priority keeping in mind that people are hesitant towards the second hand products so one mistake can dilute the brand image. Initially the profit would be low as the market share is small. Therefore to attract huge market share product quality at low price should be done. Pricing strategy should be market penetration and later on price skimming can be adopted with new products. Brand should be responsible for their product quality and design. Each brand should remain a ‘brand’ without merging with SFO. The competition level remains the same within the brands. Each brand will use their own designing team to redesign the garment. SFO can be set as a standard mark for the organization for recognition and brand building. Conclusion Sustainable fashion will be really profitable and there is a huge potential, but first we need to create an ecosystem for that. Sustainable fashion organizations can be a milestone to set standard and accountability among different brands and organization. Every process is a continuous process but I believe time is money so while the research for sustainable fiber is in progress, we should restructure the existing industry to achieve certain sustainable development. Fashion is hard to stop but it can be preserved forever. The redesigning for the same garment gives more scope to innovation and creativity. With the big brand a small plan can be executed to make the consumer equally responsible for the eco friendly environment along with the industry. It is every individuals responsibility to play its duty properly considering the welfare of the society and rather than being completely dependent on government and industries. SFO is an organization which is awaking the public to stand and support the cause of sustainability. Reference Sustainable fashion meets eco-friendly energy, 27 October 2009 -http://www. meridianenergy. co. nz/AboutUs/News/SustainableFfashionMeetsEecofriendlyEnergy. htm Sustainable Fashion – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sustainable_fashion Fashion conscious, may 15- July 13, 2008 , University of California Davis design Museum Davis CA – http://sustainablefashion. blogspot. com/ Sustainable fashion forum – http://www. fashionaccess. aplf. com/TheFair/OnsiteEvents/SustainableFashionForum/tabid/1106/language/en-US/Default. aspx

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prenatal care and testing persuasive speech outline Essay

Introduction Attention: I. Attention: Imagine that you or a close loved one of yours is in the hospital about to give birth when suddenly, before you can even set eyes on the little one or hold them, the nurses rush them out of the room and your lives are turned upside down in a matter of seconds. II. Connect: Unfortunately this is something that happens to many unsuspecting families every day and could happen to you or someone that you know. Opposition: Some argue that prenatal care and testing is immoral and wrong because of the concern of women using it to prevent and abort babies with disabilities, but this is not the case at all. Prenatal testing is done to allow doctors to treat them early. Another argument is that the cost of prenatal care is just too much, but that is why there are many foundations to help mothers as well as health departments that offer free or no costs at all care. Preview: As a witness to one of these traumatic events I would like to show you why it is so important that women receive prenatal care and testing and encourage you and your loved ones to receive it. Body Main Point One-Need I. Sadly about one third of the women who give birth will have some kind of pregnancy related complication which is most of the reason why prenatal care is extremely important.  A. Receiving prenatal care reduces the risk of pregnancy-related complications such as anemia, preterm birth, preeclampsia, complications of diabetes, or poor growth of the baby in utero. B. Unfortunately one million women in the U.S. deliver babies without receiving prenatal care C. According to, mothers who receive late or no prenatal care are three times more likely to give birth to a low-weight baby. D. Babies whose mothers don’t receive prenatal care are five times more likely to die. Main Point Two-Satisfaction II. With prenatal care and testing doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly. A. The tests done for the mother are  generally done in the first trimester to determine things such as her blood type, whether she has diabetes, anemia, or other health conditions such as and STD. B. In a developing child testing can identify treatable health problems, characteristics of the baby, and the chance that the baby has certain birth defects, or genetic or developmental problems. Main Point Three-Visualization III. There are many benefits with receiving prenatal care. It can save lives if not better the chance at a great one. A. Everyday doctors are helping expectant mothers provide their developing child to get a great head start at a healthy life. B. There are many health problems that healthcare professionals have been able to take care of before the child is born or the problem gets worse. C. The chance of a child developing a birth defect is significantly lessoned when the mother receives prenatal care. Conclusion-Action I. So, I encourage you to please receive prenatal care or make sure your loved ones do so. II. If you or your loved one receives prenatal care your child will have the best chance possible to be born healthy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Acnielsen m’sia enters strategic alliance with 99 speedmart Essay

The Malaysian National News Agency KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 (Bernama) — Marketing information provider, ACNielsen and 99 Speedmart retail chain has signed a strategic alliance which will give ACNielsen access to 99 Speedmart point-of-sale (POS) data and provides 99 Speedmart with a suite of reports via ACNielsen’s Retailer Advisor Personal software 99 Speedmart offers a wide and comprehensive range of in-demand, essential and fast moving consumer goods. Its 44 outlets will be increased to 50 outlets by year-end, with an additional five to be added by 2007 ACNielsen Malaysia managing director, Steve Watt said ACNielsen is delighted with the partnership which will enable both organisations to leverage each other’s strength to provide insights to the market The alliance will see ACNielsen providing market information from ACNielsen’s Retail Index service, a continuous monitor of market trends based on retail audit data imput, to assist 99 Speedmart with their st rategic planning and expansion plans. U Mobile Expands Distribution Outlets Through Exclusive Partnership with Leading Mini Market Chain Kuala Lumpur, 10 June 2013–U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Malaysia’s most dynamic and innovative 3G mobile operator, is bringing its products and services closer to consumers through an initial two-year exclusive contract with 99 Speedmart – one of the leading mini market chains in Malaysia. The partnership is yet another innovative and strategic initiative by U Mobile to expand its reach to a broader consumer market and provide greater accessibility of its products to consumers. This fruitful collaboration with 99 Speedmart entails an exclusive distribution of U Mobile prepaid SIM Packs and mobile reloads in over 430 99 Speedmart outlets within Klang Valley. Customers and current U Mobile prepaid subscribers can enjoy greater access to U Mobile products and services as they are now available in outlets closer to their homes or their whereabouts, making it more convenient for th em to top-up and purchase a new SIM pack. Speaking about the partnership, Jaffa Sany Ariffin, Chief Executive Officer of U Mobile said, â€Å"By offering our products at 99 Speedmart, we now address a broader range of customers who normally shop in these outlets. They are part of our target markets for the prepaid segment and the availability of UMobile prepaid products in these outlets will make it convenient for them to stay connected with friends and family.† â€Å"U Mobile is delighted to partner with 99 Speedmart, which has different sets of shoppers and has strong fundamental key retail measurements that our company can leverage on. We are set to see tremendous growth in our prepaid segment this year† he added. 99 Speedmart is a mini market retail chain that carries an assortment of groceries ranging more than 3,000 items in an inviting and well-organised environment with high in-stock position. The collaboration is another addition to the company’s existi ng partnership with other non-traditional distribution channels, including Giant, Singer, 7-Eleven, Cosway, Senheng and senQ stores, making the telco’s total distribution channels to more than 22,000 outlets nationwide.